
Acoustic Design

Acoustic Design

Acoustic Service

Acoustic service in design of new constructions and reconstruction of old facilities is a major part of the engineering of human environmental ecology. The latest scientific developments and advanced informational technologies are being employed in this field.


Why Choose Us?

  • We are a member of the Expert Council on state standardization of national building materials in the Technical Committee 144 under the Ministry of Industry and Trade.
  • We have membership in SRO for the project design activities.
  • We have our own full-time acoustics specialists, including professionals of international level.
  • We use licensed professional software for modeling and acoustic calculations.
  • We use specialized equipment; its conformity to the metrological characteristics is confirmed annually.

Areas of Expertise

Acoustic services can be conveniently classified into calculations and measurements.

Acoustic design as a rule includes both of those services.

Acoustic Design

The correct acoustic treatment allows for creating a favorable acoustic environment in residential and public premises.


The task of acoustic design for residential and public spaces is to provide acoustic comfort depending on the purpose of the premises with strict adherence to government regulations.

The task of acoustic design for event halls is to provide the highest quality of music and speech content.

Preliminary Inspection

The preliminary inspection is the first integral stage of the design process.

A specialist inspects the premises to verify the viability of the outlined tasks and to assess how realistic it will be to solve these tasks.

Preliminary inspection is necessary in order to avoid unforeseen technical issues


Results of the preliminary inspection:

  • Conclusion about the viability of the outlined task.
  • Customer assistance in generating technical design specification.

Noise Insulation Design

Designing of noise insulation consists of developing soundproofing structures and other noise protection measures.

During the project development, special attention should be paid to the established standards for sound insulation of enclosures and norms for the maximum permissible sound pressure levels inside the premises depending on their purpose.


Noise insulation design includes:

  • The initial design analysis of the sound reduction index of the existing enclosing structures of the premises.
  • Assessment of sound insulation to meet the specified requirements.
  • Assessment of the presence and range of the corresponding insulation deficit.
  • Designing of a construction for additional noise insulation, which will ensure the elimination of the insulation deficit with ample safety margin.
  • Development of comprehensive noise protection measures.

Designing of Hall Acoustics

Halls of different purposes require different approaches to the design.

Acoustic design of halls must ensure that the music sounds according to the author’s intention and the audience is immersed in the atmosphere of the event in acoustic comfort.


Acoustic adjustment of a hall is performed as follows:

  • Preliminary acoustic measurements are taken.
  • A computer model is built using special software.
  • Calibration of the acoustic model is performed based on the results of the preliminary measurements.
  • Numerical calculations are made.
  • Adjustments of the elements of the acoustic treatment of the hall are made and the positioning of sound sources is established to achieve performance targets of acoustic parameters.

Design of Acoustics for Small Spaces

Designing of acoustics for small spaces is a task of great importance when designing home theaters, recording studios, and sound booths. importance when

Acoustics of small premises are rather complex and laborious to design, because of the volatile behavior of the sound in low-frequency range.


The main problem of acoustic design for small rooms is to get good quality bass sound, which is only achievable in rooms with acoustic dimensions. This requires significant experience and original design ideas.

Acoustic design of professional sound rooms creates the conditions for professional activities and achieving quality results.

The task of the acoustic design of sound rooms for private use is to create conditions for aesthetic pleasure from individual sound settings.

Audit of Design Solutions

Audit of the design solutions is necessary for the assessment of the offered solution, either to make necessary adjustments to offer expert opinion in disputable situations.


Audit results:

  • The report with calculations based on the submitted materials and the conclusion on the adjustments and corrections in the design documentation of the acoustic project.

Acoustic Measurements

Acoustic measurements are the integral part of architectural acoustics; they include a variety of processes.

Penetrating Noise Measurements

Measurements of penetrating noise are the recording of sound levels in control spots with an audio and noise meter

The finalized results of the measurements include: the report with a measurement protocol and a statement of conformity.


Penetrating noise measurements are necessary:

  • To assess the noise regulatory compliance in the apartment and residential area.
  • To assess the noise regulatory compliance in the workplace.
  • As part of a preliminary inspection.
  • To assess the noise regulatory compliance on the territories adjacent to the sources of excessive noise.
  • To assess background noise in studios, home theaters, and sound booths.

Vibration Measurements

Measurements of vibration are the recording of vibration levels in control measurement spots with a vibration meter

The finalized results of the measurements include: the report with a measurement protocol and a statement of conformity.


Vibration measurements are necessary:

  • To assess regulatory compliance for vibration levels in the apartment.
  • To assess regulatory compliance for vibration levels in the workplace (offices, laboratories, production facilities, etc.)
  • As part of a preliminary inspection
  • To assess the vibration regulatory compliance on the territories adjacent to the sources of excessive vibration.

Measurements of Acoustic Parameters

Measurements of acoustic parameters allow for the assessment of the quality of the acoustics in respect to the functional use of the premises.

The finalized results of the measurements include: the report with a measurement protocol.


Measurements of acoustic parameters are necessary in order to numerically assess:

  • Reverberation of the room.
  • The intensity of the echo in the room.
  • How much the parameters of acoustic quality deviate from optimal values according to the purpose of the premises.

Measurements of Sound Insulation

Measurements of sound insulation are divided into two types, which correspond to airborne noise (music, voice) and impact noise (stomping, falling of objects).

The results of both types of measurement are subject to numerical processing and adjustment.

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  • For field measurements of airborne noise insulation with an enclosure, two rooms divided by this enclosure are used. The measurements in the room are taken according to GOST (All Union State Standard).
  • For field measurements of impact noise insulation with an enclosure, the same process is used; but instead of the source of airborne noise, an impact machine placed on the floor is used.


Underground multifunctional space of the first basement floor of the main building of the Pushkin State Museum of Fine Arts.

Conceptual solutions for the acoustic design of the space, the concept of creating a variable acoustic environment with control elements.

Art space of the Open Stage, a theatrical association for young actors.

Competition arena of the Center for Rhythmic Sportive Gymnastics, a fitness and health complex in Sochi.

Meeting and operations room of RZD (Russian Railways).

Architectural Club.

Chuvash State Philharmonic Hall, Cheboksary.

Our Specialists

The knowledge and experience of our engineers allow for consultations on any questions concerning comprehensive sound and vibration insulation of buildings and indoor acoustics. The competency of the Technosonus Engineering Department has been proved many times by the successful resolution of complex technical problems and the positive feedback form our clients.

Andrei Pavlovich Gnutik

  • Chief Scientific Consultant of Technosonus Group.
  • Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences. International expert on architectural acoustics.

Michail Cherezov

  • Acoustic Engineer.

Alexander Alyoshin

  • Acoustic Engineer.

Software and Technical Support

Acoustic design and acoustic measurements rely not only on solid science and established standards; they also require specialized software and technical support.

  • Only licensed software.
  • Reliable equipment with current certificates of conformity, tested in a metrology center.
  • Maintaining equipment in good working condition and ensuring its functional relevance to the current tasks.
  • Constantly updating the inventory of computer tools.